
2025迪拜国际实验室设备展(Medlab Middle East 2025) 将于2月3-6日在迪拜世贸中心举办。鹍远生物将展示其结直肠癌整体解决方案和ctDNA甲基化检测技术与产品,并与我们的经销商、合作伙伴以及客户携手有关癌症预防与诊断的创新发展之讨论。

The Medlab Middle East 2025, scheduled for 3 to 6 February in Dubai, will be an opportunity for Singlera Genomics Company to showcase its comprehensive solution for colorectal cancer (CRC) and cutting-edge ctDNA methylation technology and products. We look forward to engaging in discussions about the latest advancements in cancer prevention and diagnosis alongside our dealers, partners, and customers.

— About Medlab Middle East —

作为中东和北非地区最著名的医学实验室展览会,Medlab Middle East为实验室行业领袖包括制造商、代理商等提供专业的展示平台,以分享、创新、链接与合作共赢;在发展实验室医学价值、重塑IVD行业方向上发挥着至关重要的作用。

As the MENA region’s most prominent medical laboratory exhibition and congress, Medlab Middle East plays a crucial role in developing the value of laboratory medicine in reshaping the future of diagnostics by providing a platform for laboratory industry leaders, including manufacturers and distributors, to share the best practice, showcase innovations, collaborate, and network.

— Exhibition Info 展会信息 —


We look forward to engaging you at Medlab Middle East 2025.